Blog Entry # 1 Hobbies

Entry # 1 Hobbies

Is that a new recipe on how to make chocolate chip coconut cookies! Can I bake my sister's birthday cake? Here are some muffins I baked for you, Zack. Yes, I love to bake. Baking is my favorite hobby, and it brings me so much excitement. The image above are reindeers I made for my mom's work party. 

A hobby is an activity one enjoys which gives them happiness, keep them relaxed and passes time when they have nothing to do. Some people love to draw, sing, or read books, I enjoy baking everything.

I have been baking ever since I could remember, I love to make cookies or brownies for the family every week. I am always looking for new or health recipes online to try during holidays and festive season.

I sometimes imagine myself in the Netflix show “Nailed it”. This show features people who have the least skills in baking to compete in creating a replica of assigned cakes following a recipe. The person that bakes it best wins the competition. I also enjoy watching other competitive shows about professional baking and realistic cakes.

In the future after I retire, I plan to open a bakery in my town where I make cute and delicious cookies, muffins, donuts, and bread. I will probably attend a few cooking classes to master my skills in baking. A lot of people love a good treat and a delicious chocolate cookie on a beautiful evening is perfect for the buds. This will be a great way of enjoying my hobby while making income.

Thats it for today and see you next time, please like and share. 


  1. I just made a batch of sugar cookies for a birthday party so I thought it was so fun to read your post about baking. The reindeer are adorable and I bet they tasted amazing!

  2. Baking is enjoyable, especially when you find new recipes to try. I've got a huge sweet tooth so I always love baked goods. Let me know when you open that bakery, sounds exciting.


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